
Having Fun Celebrating 28 Years in Business

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Having Fun Celebrating 28 Years in Business

Every April 1st, FSI gets to celebrate another year of being in business.  That’s not an April Fool’s joke.  April 1st, 1996 was really the day that our founder, Ken Marbutt, along with his brother Hoyt, started FSI.  28 years later, we’re still going strong, and we like to make sure we have fun celebrating.   

This year, we had so much fun, we had to spread the festivities out over multiple days.  First of all, on the anniversary date of April 1st, we had everyone gather for cookie cakes.  It takes a lot of cookie cake to feed 100+ people, so we had several cakes made. 

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That following week, we fed everyone lunch with a Waffle House truck.  Whether you wanted lunch items (chicken, burgers, etc.), or you’re a breakfast all day kind of Waffle House patron, they had it covered.  Or should I say “scattered, covered, chunked, topped, diced, etc.”?  Not up to speed with the Waffle House world famous hashbrowns lingo?  Here’s your refresher. 

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We also had a quarterly company meeting where we go over the state of the company (doing very well, by the way), announcements, status of incentive programs (perfect on order accuracy incentives YTD), employee milestones and recognition, continuous improvement awards, etc.  We also wore new shirts we just had made for everyone. 

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With this being an anniversary gathering, I like to break out my 1996 playlist and see how many songs everyone remembers.  How well would you have done recognizing these top hits?


After playing C’mon N’ Ride It, I got talked into playing some not so 1996 line dancing songs.  I would have joined in, but someone had to play DJ.  A great time was had by all.  I better start making plans for celebrating 29 years, because I sure plan on FSI being around.

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